We, more often than not, replace our second hand car with another. Occasionally we buy new, usually using savings to make up the difference. Those times have changed. Both new and secondhand are now very expensive.
Last time around, we decided on new, with interest free credit. That has almost finished and as is their want, we have been getting pestered to take out a new loan for another new car. There are a few problems with that.
1) Such a loan, even with part exchange, would now be nearly £100 more.
2) DB’s age. It is a sad fact to acknowledge, but we are both getting on, he more so than me. Whilst we have previously worked out I can financially manage without him, I couldn’t do so with a monthly car loan!
3) Should he survive me, he could manage without my pension, just, but would have no ability to save for unforeseen circumstances.
Somewhat of a dilemma. To get them off our backs, he keeps telling them he will shortly be giving up driving and for now, the calls have stopped.
We have decided to keep this car until it falls apart or gets scrapped due to governmental pressure regarding all electric vehicles. Yeah, right.
With regard to him having to give up driving, certainly long distance, that is only just over the horizon and we will cross that bridge when necessary. Whilst I do drive, I hate any journey longer than an hour or so. Anywhere new, forget it, I no longer have the confidence.
Those future problems will need much heart searching as it might involve us having to move. We haven’t decided yet.
Are you having to think about this?