Sunday, 12 May 2024

Still awake at 04:15:(

 Dreadful night. Was trying to get to sleep around 10:30 pm, when the loud boom of a firework display reverberated around the room and it lit up like a Christmas tree!

Stood at the open window to watch it, may as well. It was beautiful but loud, massive things.

Decided to read and watch YouTube, still not sleepy. Repeated at 02:30 then again nearly 2 hours later. The dawn chorus started just as I lay down.

No northern lights here either, kept checking but didn’t see any on Saturday night although I only checked once.

Darn it, still not seen them.


  1. It's horrible when you can't sleep isn't it, I feel for you. Although I have to say that since we've moved here, I mostly sleep fairly well, for the first time in my entire life!

  2. No sign of any Northern lights here either .

  3. Son took photos of the northern lights in his back garden midnight Friday. He and DIL who is Canadian and seen them lots of times got their 6 year old daughter up to see them too. I didn't see them and their garden is a few hundred yards from my home. I even visited Iceland trying to see them but failed. Sorry you don't sleep well.


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