Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Welcome little one

 Our second granddaughter arrived safe and sound yesterday afternoon. She was originally due to be delivered on the 4th December by C section at 39 weeks. That was brought forward to this Friday. Baby decided she wanted out at just over 38 weeks I believe.

It has been a hard and very uncomfortable pregnancy for DDinL who got through it stoically bless her. She was messed around by the hospital yesterday but eventually they did their job.

I am pleased to say she was a good size and has red hair, the same shade as her older sister and dad. Yay!


  1. May this little one bring much joy to you all. What a glorious early Christmas blessing ☺️❤️🙏

  2. Lovely news. Hope you get to visit soon

  3. Congratulations! We've got our 6th grandchild due any day now - a little boy after 5 granddaughters!! His little sister is excited!!

  4. Congratulations on your new granddaughter, a lovely early Christmas gift. Gill Xx

  5. Congratulations on your new granddaughter.

  6. Thanks everyone. We don’t know when we will be invited up but hope it is soon. Granny is there at the moment helping to look after everybody. Had a nice FaceTime with her though. Eyes wide open and staring straight at is.


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