Thursday, 25 April 2024

Warmer sun but bitter wind still

 We were planning on a sandwich for lunch but it is just too cold. Ransacked the spare pantry and found some close to date tins of tomatoes, sweetcorn and mixed beans. Once cooked with onion, carrots and potatoes, flavoured and thickened, that should warm us up nicely.

We are trying to shed a bit of weight so are adjusting how much bread we eat. Instead of two slices of toast we are having one or one and a half. One slice as a sandwich rather than the usual two. No cakes, reducing our biscuits to two a day, more fruit etc.

Will take an age but it’s more about trimming than stone shedding, as well as forming better eating habits, even though we eat quite healthily.


  1. It sounds like a sensible way to cut back a little bit. You still get to have all your favourite foods and the things you love but in smaller proportions. Good for the waistline and the finances. :-)

    1. Hopefully when it warms up, more salads and fruit will help.

  2. Weight does stick as you get older, portion sizes here are our issues.

    1. Our portion sizes reduced greatly many years ago. We estimate we probably eat similar size to a restaurant child portion, maybe less. Yes though, on weight hanging around, particularly the tummy and hips. Our upper halves are skinny.

  3. After a glorious sunny and warm weekend, it's back to the norm of dreary, showery and cold. Which, yes, makes one want to eat warm stodgy things! Roll on some sustained salad weather (and then we'll probably be complaining it's too hot and all the veggies are dying from lack of water!).

    1. Ha, indeed! Yes, bring on salad and light appetite weather though.

  4. Cutting back, even a little the weight loss could be very surprising.

    God bless.


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