Monday 29 January 2024

Hello again…

 Sorry for the absence but I have been down in the dumps to say the least. The black dog had been nipping at my heels for several months now and finally lunged, full force.

Got myself just about in order finally, I have to work through it but I was close to going under:(

Still a bit stressed which is playing havoc with my digestive system and general well being. I have been taking a daily cup of crushed fennel seed tea which has helped. I just feel shattered and have the odd feeling that my inner and outer body are not quite aligned if that makes sense.

When I go to bed at night, I feel as though I am slightly floating above myself but it is resolving itself.

Lots of jigsaws done and playing of a new video game although that can raise my blood pressure a bit - lol.


  1. The grey weather we've been having doesn't help - it's been dismal here.
    Hope you are now on the way out of the tunnel

  2. I'm sorry you've been suffering, the time of year and the weather doesn't help does it? And stress is a real bugger for upsetting our digestive systems, it certainly does mine. I remember reading years ago that fennel tea was good for gut problems - it was the active ingredient in children's gripe water, apparently. I'm longing for Spring, I know it will be a big mental boost for me....hopefully for you too.

  3. Good you are back. Sorry you have been poorly and glad you are on the way up.

  4. I'm sorry you've been so down - it's not as great time of year, so dark and damp at times. Hopefully we will notice the longer daylight times soon. xx

  5. So sorry you've been feeling down. I hope the springtime, and more sunshine will help (and the fennel - pains in the gut affect our mood more than we realise sometimes) Now I have a more reliable car, perhaps we could meet for a cuppa sometime (email me)

    1. Springtime and sunshine will help hopefully.

  6. I'm sorry you have been so down, it's that time of year for a lot of us. I don't know if you have ever tried something so basic, but I find drinking LOTS of water helps me start to feel better. Well it's stops me looking at the canal and wondering if I dared throw myself in ... and could I drown in 1.5 m of murky canal water before someone finds me!

    1. Unfortunately I am unable to drink much, barely able to down 2 pints a day of actual liquid due to a throat problem. The rest has to be taken in as a smoothie or soup, even then, it’s difficult.

  7. The grey winter days make it difficult to feel cheery, stay warm and take your time and rest.

  8. I do hope that you feel more like yourself very soon. Get your rest for sure.

    God bless.

  9. Hugs and love. Totally understand.


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