Thursday 22 February 2024


 I was the wettest on our walk yesterday. 4 1/2 miles in driving rain and strong winds. Our faces were stinging!

We all had our wet weather gear on but the bottom half of my jeans were wet as was the area inside my knees. Think I might need either a new pair of waterproof leggings or might buy a waterproof spray for them and my coat. Although it kept me dry, rain got into my pockets and wet me from the inside out in that area.

We were glad to get back to the car and huddle inside a porch to get changed. We all had chicken curry for lunch, which warmed us up nicely.


  1. My Mum would have said "you'll catch your death going out in that"!
    This rain is getting a bit silly now isn't it.
    Just going to look at todays and tomorrows forecast

    1. Apparently it is our region’s wettest February for 200 years!

  2. Blimey, you were brave, there's no way I'd go out for a short walk never mind 4.5 miles in driving rain - even Betty refuses to go out if it's raining. Husband had to put her coat and harness on and drag her out just for a wee this morning, she wasn't amused!

    1. We walk every week with a friend no matter the weather. Only illness or someone being away alters things. Even walked in a snowstorm once:(

  3. There's something very wonderful about walking in the rain isn't there, of course it's a lot better if the wet weather clothing actually works. I found a hole in each of my wellies the other day, soggy socks and wet feet from the first five minutes of the walk. People watching us must have though I was a real softy walking around puddles while wearing wellies. I gave up in the end once your feet are wet they are wet!!
    It's so nice to get home and get dry and have a hot drink though isn't it, it makes the getting wet almost worth it.

    1. We were certainly pleased to get changed and have curry!

  4. I just walked to the post box and back with an important birthday card. That was far enough!

    1. Normally wouldn’t go out in such weather but on a walking day, very little stops us.

  5. Thank you Melody. “Sounds like quite the adventure, braving the elements on your walk! Waterproof leggings or a waterproof spray for your jeans and coat might be a good investment to keep you dry and comfortable next time. It's amazing how a warm meal can quickly revive spirits after a wet and windy outing. Here's to more enjoyable walks with drier weather ahead! “

  6. Good for you walking in the rain. Me, well I am a bit of a wimp and stay inside on what I consider miserable days.

    God bless.


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