Thursday 29 February 2024

Returned with a stinking cold!

 We have just come back after spending time with our new granddaughter. She is three months old now and we were chomping at the bit. Timing couldn’t be helped though.

First granddaughter G was so excited to see us as it had been months. C, our new one, is a Bobby dazzler, giving us lots of cheeky smiles and starting to verbalise. She had tongue tie and it took a while for her to be diagnosed but it has been cut, and she is better for it.

She still suffers from colic type wind sometimes and screamed her head off several times. She also likes to be cuddled on the move when screaming, stand still and she’s off again. All in all a lovely visit.

On the way home though, I started with an itchy sore throat which developed quite rapidly into a possible cold. Day four and still under the weather. Hubby started a few hours later and he feels rotten.

Unfortunately I have a hospital appointment today for my heart so will mask up to be safe.


  1. Grandchildren just love to share their germs around!

  2. Aww, it sounds like you had a great time, what a shame to come back with a cold though. I hope the appointment goes well, masking up is a sensible option anyway as there are a lot of Covid cases in the hospitals again at the moment.

  3. Got it off oldest granddaughter, she was very chesty and coughing a lot. Son went down with it as well. Been discharged for now from the hospital so that’s good.

    1. That's brilliant news ... you being discharged of course, not your son getting the bad cold!

  4. I call my grandchildren little muck spreaders! I get whatever they've got. I even got hand, foot & mouth once off them - had scabs all over my hand & face!! Congrats on your new granddaughter.

    1. Gosh, hope we don’t catch that, I managed to avoid it at school.

  5. So many horrible bugs about, hope you feel better soon.

  6. We had our granddaughter to stay half term week and she was getting over a cold which she shared willingly with Granny. I'm still hacking away but she's recovered. The joys of having them stay. Hope your hospital appointment goes ok

    1. So generous aren’t they. Yes, it went fine.


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