Tuesday 20 February 2024

Hubby pleased with himself

 I don’t know how many versions of wordle there are but hubby did his on Tuesday morning in one go!

Lovely day yesterday and managed to get washing done and almost dry. Final lot out today, colder and grey but a good breeze so hopefully they will get at least half dry.

We are carrying on buying loose tea whenever we see it available as there certainly seem to be shortages appearing on tea bags. Probably due to the news going on and on about it.


  1. I think that there's only one official Wordle, the one that's now owned by the New York Times. I used to do one of the copies as well 'Wordly' but then a couple of weeks ago they started making you watch an advert if you wanted to do it free of charge, so I deleted the App. I once WOULD have got Wordle in one if I had used the alternative of my two starter words as my first guess ... I've been kicking myself ever since. Well done your hubby. :-)

    I think this teabag shortage has been totally made much worse than necessary by the news. Why don't they just keep quiet and let supplies build up in warehouses for a few months before letting people know of these sorts of problems.

    1. Indeed, same as over reacting on the weather. Problems occur when they do this as in the case of Peter and the wolf, people will ignore a real drastic event.

  2. I've only once done Worgle on the first try, new done it with Wordle.

  3. I wouldn't doubt that people are panic purchasing tea.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed. It will be interesting to see what shortages appear where due to the Houthi attacks.

  4. Here in Australia I haven't heard about the tea bag shortage, but the supermarkets here where I live have a shortage of tinned beetroot! Today when I went shopping there was no beetroot of any brand at all and we were on holiday last week and the same in the country stores too. During the pandemic there was a shortage of toilet paper and people were buying it in bulk, even filling their trolley up. What makes people do this when there probably is enough for everyone if they were sensible and only bought what they need. I will nevery understand humans.

    1. Tinned beetroot? We have it in jars but not tins. Amazing how things vary isn’t it? Yes, we aren’t overbuying, just making sure we get it every week as per normal.

  5. I get my loose tea from Brew Tea I have a subscription but they do one off orders also. Great quality and the nicest staff I have ever dealt with.

    1. Nice isn’t it. I get my herbal tea from the Camden tea shop, they are good as well.

  6. Well done with the wordle! One day I hope my starter word will come up!

    1. He usually only has two or three regular start words but this time decided on price and got it all correct!


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