Friday 31 May 2024

For goodness sake!

 Tomorrow will be the first day of June and we are still having to have the occasional blast of central heating!

My outdoor tomatoes got so big they had to go out. Can’t do much to protect them from the wind but at least they have a top cover against the rain. However, it is at its full height now and they are getting squashed.

Come this weekend, they will have to be uncovered and take their chances. We were going to begin to paint the back bedroom/craft/office but it is just too gloomy to see properly. 


  1. I'm hopeful that the forecast is correct and we will actually get sunshine tomorrow.

    My tomatoes have got so tall and lanky in the greenhouse with lack of light. They are nearly 4 foot tall and only one truss - crazy and my heating is still switching itself on in the mornings and sometimes evenings too but thankfully only for half an hour or so.

    1. Yes indeed. We have found putting the heating on until it switches itself off, then we turn it fully off again. Madness.

  2. I know how you feel, I lost my lap cat at the beginning of the month, I miss her so much on the cool evenings.

    1. Yes, animals are good at keeping you warm, as my sister can testify.

  3. Yep, I had to turn the heating on for an hour last night, it was just so chilly in the whole lodge. It made a huge difference. I put my courgettes and cucumber plant out two weeks ago and the cold and wet has really checked them, but they are at last getting some strength back.

    1. My two are in the greenhouse, on the floor. They too will go out this weekend whether they like it or not!


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