Sunday 3 December 2023

Right chilly!

 Although last night was our coldest, just under -3C, it was nowhere near as cold as winter nights a few years ago. These often had -10C as a normal overnight temperature.

I was freezing though. Despite wearing a long sleeved nightie, being under a winter duvet with a fleece blanket on top, I just couldn’t stay warm. When I awoke this morning, after a fitful night, I was curled in a tight ball.

Hot meals and snacks, heating on 18C, on and off, plus the wood burner going, the house felt a bit chilly. We stayed where the fire was, only venturing out to get food and hot drinks.

Doesn’t bode well does it, especially if the winter gets cold for long periods. Good job I am wearing lots of layers, thick socks, fingerless mittens and have a woollen blanket close by!


  1. I have a 4.5 tog all year and still sleeping in nothing! and no radiators on in the bedroom. But I have been taking a hot water bottle to bed for the last few nights and keeping the window shut.
    Horribly wet here today, all frost gone for a few days I think

  2. Same here regarding weather! Never used to feel the cold as much as I do now, weird.

  3. We feel the cold more now, I'm 70 and OH 76. Do wear layers and have a 12.5 tog feather duvet on the bed. Lots of comforting stews, soups and gallons of tea help. Congratulations on the birth of your second granddaughter. Hugs Gill Xx

    1. Thank you. I am sure we both feel the cold more now.

  4. We have thick snow here in the east Midlands. We've not had our heating on at all yet, thanks to a woodburner we had fitted last April. Amazing! We should've had one years ago.

    1. If we were to run our wood burner all day we would use our logs up to quickly. We can only store so much wood. We use it and the occasional blast on the heating to keep us ticking over.

  5. I feel the cold much more nowadays and love my oodie - it keeps me splendidly warm. xx

    1. I have seen them but my legs seem to get the coldest.

  6. Thermal long johns are great, top and bottom. Plus two pair of sock, one thin set and one thick set.

    1. I can’t wear thermal leggings unfortunately but have got everything else.

  7. Our only heating in the cottage is our woodburner and an oil fired heater in the bedroom so the woodburner is on all day at this time of year. We have three large wood
    stores and chopping and stacking to fill them is a yearly workout.

    1. Certainly is! We can store about 2-3 cubic metres of logs and kindling, that is all.

  8. Lots of layers here too, though the heating is on more than it's ever been because of the little one. They're paying to live here though, so it's not costing me anything; I just increased the monthly payment by 50%.

  9. Good idea. We hope to not pay too much more per month than normal but at least we have the winter grant that will at least cover the oil heating.

  10. I hope your weather has improved, but staying in where it is warm and safe is the way to go.

    God bless.


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